Bomb Threat Procedures Training
Do you know what to do if you receive a
Bomb Threat???
Or the procedures to respond to Chemical, Biological and Radiological (CBR) incidents?
Learn in a fully interactive environment using realistic emergency simulations to prepare for the potential stress of a real emergency in the workplace.
Understand the impact of explosions, learn how to classify the threat, determine risk, demonstrate how to use the telephone checklist, initiate and conduct evacuation responses related to bomb threats, understand the fundamentals of search, lead teams, conduct evacuations associated with bomb threats and hold critical incident debriefing sessions.
This value-packed course develops awareness of workplace evacuation plans, staff roles and responsibilities, building emergency systems and procedures, emergency codes and communications.
Emergency Response Training
Who should attend?
Staff and occupants of any workplace who need to know what do in an emergency and need information on how to minimise actual risk.
Bomb or substance threat training is designed to help people (in particular those person entrusted to the role of emergency wardens) respond to and deal with a specific or non-specific threat in accordance with current directions provided by the AS 3745–2010 Planning for emergencies in facilities.
This course equips organisations to comply with the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 and AS 3745-2010. Refresher training for designated staff should occur every 2 years.
This program can be customised to suit the needs of your work team.
Delivered over approx. 4 hours for practical skills workshop and completion of in class assessment activities.
Participants should wear clothing that is comfortable, with closed shoes, a hat and sun cream for protection.
Group Bookings
Group bookings of up to 15 persons is available.
This course is delivered on site (subject to suitability of any practical fire components) or at Tactical’s training facility.
Find out how our high impact learning can help you or your organisation achieve training needs through a custom designed program
that's right for you - contact us today.
POA subject to your requirements.
Accredited or Non-accredited Training
Both accredited and non-accredited training options available.
On completion of a Nationally Accredited program, participants receive a Statement of Attainment recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework for the following unit of competency:
- PUAWER004B - Respond to workplace emergencies
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